
Friday, June 25, 2010


Kraftbomb is on again this Sunday. I will be there, armed with lots of new goodies, so if you are out and about and looking for something to do on Sunday pop along and say hi!

11am-2pm, Sunday 27th June, 2010
Grey Lynn Community Centre
Main Hall - 510 Richmond Road, Grey Lynn, Auckland

I have some new pencil cases for the bigger girls (my 6 year old has decided a pencil case is much more her style than a crayon roll!). Great for storing all their treasures; hair bands, lip gloss, favourite bracelets, tooth fairy notes, or just plain old pencils and gel pens!

Plus a stack of new oil cloth purses and all my usual bits and pieces. 

Hope to see you there!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

my creative space: oilcloth purses

Not too much creativity in my house today..., however I did manage to finish off a pile of oilcloth purses and pencil cases for Kraftbomb this Sunday.

Oh, and a sweet little coin purse (just for me!) that is the perfect size for some coins and my coffee card :-) . Made from a gorgeous Ink & Spindle fabric that my lovely friend Sarah gave me (thanks Sarah!)

I am now off to watch some mindless tv and glue a batch of upcycled envelopes. Hope your Thursday has been a good one!

For more creative goodness head over to Kirsty's

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

winter days

Don't you love how the simplest things can brighten up a winters day. Our Camellia bush is overflowing with pink goodness at the moment. We have little bowls of them all around the house as the girls are obsessed with collecting the fallen ones and bringing them inside.

We also have an abundance of Tamarillo's... thinking about becoming a pudding for tonight...

Friday, June 18, 2010

winter apples

It has been another busy week in our home, so no time for blogging. Lots of real work, lots of kids to play, a hospital check up, lots of park visits and a zoo trip in there too. Today we decided to have a quiet afternoon and make some apple turnovers before picking Bella up from school.

I haven't made these since I was a kid - but we had a stack of apples, and thought it was a nice easy activity for Lucy to help with.

Apple Turnovers

Mix together
2 large granny smith apples (peeled, cored and sliced)
a handful of dry cranberries
a handful of walnuts
1/4 cup of sugar
1/4 tsp of cinnamon
lemon zest

Make Egg Wash
1 lightly beaten egg
1 tsp milk 

Cut your puff pastry into triangles, place a couple of spoonfuls onto each triangle, brush around edge with egg wash, and fold to close. Crimp around the edges with a fork to seal. Brush the tops of your apple turnovers with the remaining egg wash, then cut a couple of small vents in the tops.

Place your pastries on a baking tray and bake for about 20 minutes (or until golden) at 200C. Allow to cool before serving.

A couple of snaps from our day at the zoo yesterday. My youngest nephew, Alex, and Lucy Tiger hunting...

Enjoy your weekend!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Monday making

It is cold and wild and windy outside today so we are having an inside day, making stuff.

Lucy has been making monsters...

I have been making brownie for afternoon tea.

And sorting out my WIP pile... (some new little BIG girls pencil cases and more oilcloth purses)

...and adding more to it! (love that planning stage sorting out fabrics, linings, and zips!)

Isabella's desk: before leaving for school she was making origami butterflies and doing an intricate pastel drawing... Oh to be 6 and have all the time in the world!

I hope you too are enjoying your Monday, wherever you are!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

my creative space: sketchbooks

Lucy and I have spent the morning at the park. It is freezing out there, but the sun is was glorious - we have made the most of it for the past couple of mornings as I hear the rain is on it's way back!

Whilst Lucy has her lunchtime nap I plan to sort out some more scrap bags and try and do a bit more trade me listing in order to get my fabric stash under control!

Then I plan on finishing off the pile of kids sketchbooks (fabric all cut and ready to go!) to pair up with my crayon rolls. I have been in planning mode this week, trying to get myself prepared with enough stock for A Craft Affair in Christchurch next month. Can't wait!

Head over to Kirsty's for more delightfully creative types...

Saturday, June 05, 2010

make your own...

Another little girls 7 year old birthday party today... I have to say, it is such a fun age to make gifts for, as they are at such a super crafty age!

Bella and I had a lot of fun sitting up late last night putting together a couple of little make your own kits for her friends birthday present. We cheated and stole the sewing ideas from this book.

We made two kits. One for making your own felt tiara, and the other for making a felt butterfly brooch. I made it a little simpler by actually pre-cutting the felt to the right shapes, and then included all the other necessary bits (including large tapestry needles to make the job a little easier for young hands).

Bella sat and sorted all the beads, sequins and ribbons whilst I cut the felt and lengths of embroidery floss, then this morning I quickly typed up the instructions with large print and printed them onto tough kraft card so as to withstand sticky fingers. I also included a little sheet of how to for the necessary stitches.

Thursday, June 03, 2010

my creative space

It is Thursday here today, but it feels like Friday. We have a long 4 day weekend with lots planned, but I have to say I am so glad my alarm wont be ringing in the morning!

Lucy and I have had a busy day today, we achieved a lot!  School run, supermarket shopping, chiropractor, washing, button sorting (Lucy is learning her colours, so this is a really fun activity at the moment!!), fabric sorting, finishing off crayon rolls and sorting crayons to insert, packing up new upcycled envelopes, sorting toys and tidying bedroom..., and tonight I have just finished off my custom orders (fun), and a stack of new travel tissue covers, oilcloth purses and passport covers as the others are almost all gone.

I am currently having a bit of a destash. Sorting beautiful scraps into scrap bags to sell (I have some lovely scraps!) and some fabulous fabrics which I am listing here on trade me (for all you kiwi sewers). I have stacks to list, and I am easily distracted, so keep checking back as I list more.

I am also in the process of cutting into my gorgeous vintage sheet collection, and will be listing fat quarters of these soon in my etsy shop along with some other lovely vintage finds... watch this space!

We are off to the zoo tomorrow.  Hope you have a great weekend!

For more creative goodness, check out Kirsty's!

treasury fun

I was having a wee look at the treasury on Etsy last night just as it happened to drop below the magic 333, so I nabbed the chance and had a bit of fun making up a British inspired treasury... just because !

It will be up there for a couple of days, so you can check it out here. Rule, Britannia!

Last day of school today - Bella's school has opted for a teacher only day tomorrow to make an extra long weekend with Queens Birthday on Monday. I am certainly looking forward to four lovely days of not having to rush in the mornings!

C x

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

polka dots

I just turned my office calendar over (I know I am a day late!) and found this gorgeous illustration staring back at me!

I had completely forgotten about it, but it is one of my favourites from my Sweet William 2010 calendar. What a gorgeously colourful illustration for a cold dreary winters June!

Hope your week is going well :-)

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

A glorious mess

I have a few exciting markets coming up and my stock levels are very low, so life around here has been busy, busy, cutting, sewing, trimming, ironing... and folding envelopes and cards, lots of folding!

This Sunday is the Devonport Craft Market - if you are around over the long weekend, pop along and say hi.

10am - 2pm
Sunday 6th June
Devonport Community House
32 Clarence Street, Devonport