
Thursday, May 06, 2010

secret sewing

My sister turns 40 tomorrow! Wow, it is scary writing that down... seems like only yesterday that we were dossing together in London, no kids, no responsibilities etc, and now she has 3 lovely boys, 2 cats, partner, big house, and is turning 40 - when did that all happen?

I have been secretly sewing her present this week, and finally finished it last night around midnight. I am really pleased with how it turned out and looking forward to giving it to her. But until then you will have to be content with just a snippet - just in case she reads this.. 

Hope you are all having a lovely week, thank goodness it is Friday tomorrow!


  1. just from that little snippet i can tell it's going to be gorgeous- cute fabrics :)

  2. Whatever that is, it sure is pretty! Love those fabrics together. :)

  3. SHE IS NOT!! When did that time go by??? Wish her a Happy Birthday from me. Can't wait to see the creation.


  4. Ha ha, I know - scary eh, thank god I have a few more years, am not ready to face 40 :-)

  5. Looks like its going to be a much loved prezzy Cat! Happy Birthday to your sister.

  6. Looks lovely, can't wait to see the rest of it!

  7. I really love the fabrics you used, beautiful colour combination. I look forward to seeing your creation. I hope your sister has a happy birthday, doesn't time fly by.:)

  8. Wow, lovely fabrics. Yes I am not ready with the 40 thing either... only a year to go gulp!

    Have just found your blog, it's lovely and your makes are gorgeous too. x

  9. The colours with the linen are just gorgeous!
    I hope you aren't going to make us wait too long to see what it is :)
