
Sunday, April 04, 2010

old curtains

I found the most amazing old kitchen curtains a while back, and not wanting to be greedy(!), I just purchased one drop. I knew I would repurpose them into something, but as my studio is only small, and my fabric stash seems to have taken on a mind of it's own, I just couldn't justify the space to a stack of old kitchen curtains.... 

After many hours of soaking, washing and hanging in the sun, this morning I managed to finally cut in to them. I made the folklore bag, by Lauren Booth from this book. I even managed to re-use the curtain lining as the bag lining, and a magnetic closure from another old bag I found and cut up (for the lining fabric) a while back. I am really pleased with how it turned out - considering how terrible I am at following patterns/instructions!

It is a little bit smaller than I had imagined, so I have popped it in my shop here. Luckily I still have plenty more of this fabric to make a larger version for me!

This morning I had a wander through the Takapuna markets. I was on a mission to get some fresh ciabatta and salad greens for dinner, determined not to stop and buy anything else... but these gorgeous Black Peter cards called me over and ended up coming home with me.

Aren't they divine?


  1. Guess what Cat. I bought the other drop of those curtains after you recommended that particular op shop! Great minds think alike!
    The cards are fantastic. Love them.

  2. Great fabric, and cute bag :-)

  3. oooh I love that bag and the cards!
