
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

on request...

Today I finally made a start...

I have a list of 'things' to make, orders that need to be filled etc, and I have been a little slow due to the seemingly endless summer holidays. The girls and I are slow to get going in the mornings, making the most of long weeks of no set routine, late nights and long summer days.

But that aside, I managed to find a few free hours today whilst Bella spent the day at a friends house, and Lucy had a long afternoon nap...

 I enjoyed finally cutting in to the Cath Kidston fabric scraps that a friend gave me (to turn into a few special things for her and her sweet baby 'Rose'). In the end I managed 2 full, uninterrupted hours preparing jobs that I can complete over the next few evenings...

...and it felt great!

Enjoy your night!



  1. good work! quite the production line you have going there — can't wait to see how the dolls come out!

  2. Those bunny things are so cute!!!! Let me know if you decide to sell them anytime. :)

  3. Thanks Emma, not selling at the moment, but have made a fair few on request, so let me know if you are after one :-)
