
Friday, October 30, 2009

Taking it slow

I don't feel as though I have achieved a lot this week... Isabella has had the week off school with tonsillitis, so we have really taken things slowly... and it has been lovely! (If you ignore the sleepless nights and grisly kids!!)

Yesterday we spent an hour or so creating sand saucer gardens... I can vividly remember doing this as a kid and it was so nice watching Bella enjoying it so much too. She created quite a few wee masterpieces, but this was our favourite!!

Tomorrow is Halloween, and although we don't really celebrate it here in New Zealand I have certainly been more aware of it now that Bella is at school. She missed her school Halloween day/after school party today, but hopefully should be ok for the Halloween party she has been invited to tomorrow night.

We spent a bit of time making her 'witches' outfit at lunchtime whilst Lucy napped.

We got a layered chiffony singlet top from a thrift shop for $2, and I was lucky enough to find the motherload of black tulle at another thrift shop a few weeks ago for a mere $2 (we are talking almost a whole bolt of black tulle for $2!!)... so that worked nicely. My little helper and I sewed the layered tulle onto the singlet and then took to it with scissors (the fun bit) as Bella was quite concerned that a witches dress should not be at all pretty (even though she wanted tulle... O to be 5!)

Please excuse the pink leggings in the photo! She promises me tomorrow she will wear her black leggings underneath! At least she wont need any witchy make up with the pale skin and bags under her eyes from being sick all week!

On another note, it is the Devonport Craft Market on Sunday - 10am - 3pm at the Devonport Community House, 32 Clarence Street, Devonport. Hopefully I will be a little more organised by then!! I did manage to sort my crayons into colour groups this morning to pop into my (thankfully) completed crayon rolls!

1 comment:

  1. Love the costume! Those crayons look so pretty sorted into colours. I wouldn't want to part with them! See you tomorrow.
