
Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sunday already...?!!

Well - it has certainly been an eventful week. Lucy had a 'bit of a fall' on Wednesday morning... she was knocked out and we ended up spending the day between doctors and radiology due to her concussion - not a fun day. On Thursday we were back at North Shore Hospital as they found a heart murmur on Lucy, so another few hours of tests... poor wee mite didn't know what had hit her.

Yesterday I took Bella and her friend to see 'Up' at the movies... unfortunately Harri was a little scared, so we ended up leaving halfway through. I had to make up a very sweet ending so she wouldn't go home with nightmares of evil dogs. Someone needs to start up a Kids movie theatre with 'pink fluffy' movies that aren't scary for little ones, but still gives them that 'movie experience'!

We saw the trailer for 'Where the Wild Things Are' yesterday - the music is so beautiful. Bells and I have been watching this over and over this morning! Can't wait to see it.

School starts back tomorrow - I can't believe the two weeks have gone that quickly! Last term before Christmas... where has the year gone?

x C

1 comment:

  1. I wanted to thank you for your lovely comment on Christina's of Akane Design blog- I have a seven year old called Lucy too(and her best friend is called Isabelle). I hope all is well soon.
    We absolutely have to watch this movie as well-absolutely terrific!
