
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Feels like Summer...

The weather today was just divine! Perfect weather - lovely hot sun, and a nice breeze to keep you cool. The perfect washing weather. And as it happens I had a line full of beautiful new fabrics fluttering in the wind - I just couldn't wait to get them in, iron and fold them and pop them in my stash... Ooo the obsessions of a fabricoholic!

Isabella has been off school this week - she has a nasty case of tonsillitis, which means I have had no sleep for the past couple of nights. Lucy and I took her off to the doctor today and she now has a tidy supply of drugs to hopefully make her better quick smart. Both girls had a rest at lunchtime which gave me some much needed 'sorting out' time. My studio looks like a bomb has hit it, and I still feel totally disorganised....

We have spent the afternoon quietly pottering outside... the girls in the sandpit and Bella teaching Lucy 'ring a ring a rosies' (of which she wanted 'more, more... more'!) and I pottered around tying up my incredibly healthy tomato plants, peas, beans etc. Dinner tonight included some lovely fresh salad with lettuce, radish, mint, parsley, and oregano from our garden... can't wait until the tomatoes, peas, beans, courgettes etc are ready too!

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