
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Sewing, Sewing...

I have been glued to my sewing machine for the last couple of nights. So far I have 9 skirts stitched and hemmed, just need to pop the waistbands in and then they are all ready to go! I feel like I haven't had a chance to get much sewing done lately with sick, grumpy kids, so it was nice to have a bit of time to potter away. I will post some pics once completed...

Lucy and I have just been playing in the backyard, and I just had to get a snap of my gorgeous hibiscus flowers..

We came inside to find our lazy cat, Cinnamon fast asleep soaking up the sun, this cat just never ventures outside!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I am glued to my sewing machine as well. haha. I guess you could call me a fashion designer...I love clothes and fashion...PLEASE come and check out my blog....You can basically call it fashion for dummies...It is all the updates on summer '09 fashion!!!!!!! It is called
