
Friday, June 19, 2009

Planet Neptune

My beautiful 5 year old was in her first school show last week... she featured as Planet Neptune!!

The school undertook the mammoth task of involving every child (about 360 of them) in the show, and it was just incredible. I helped out with costumes, and being one of the makeup ladies on the show nights (4 nights long!!) so it was all great fun.

By the end of the week Isabella was just exhausted, as were we, and she now has a terrible chest cough/cold, but she is still singing the show songs every morning as she gets dressed for school!

A couple of snaps attached, although please excuse my photography, it was hard work trying to get a shot of the kids as they were bouncing off the walls with excitement!

Isabella getting her 'stage' make up on at home.Planet Neptune!Planets and Aliens!

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