
Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Polly or Holly?

Well yesterday had to be a test for me... What a day! The morning started with Isabella throwing the biggest tantrum in history, and I mean BIGGEST, about going to school. Then once we finally got sorted and into the car the damn thing wouldn't start! Thankfully we managed to get hold of Nana who kindly came over and lent me her car to take Bella to school... after a call out to the AA and $180 bucks for a new battery the car now starts - much to Bella's relief at home time as she was worried I may not pick her up with a broken car!
The afternoon was just as interesting. We arrived home to find a sick little hedgehog wandering around in the garden... Bella kindly prepared a bowl of water (vegemite lid) which Polly, or was that Holly the hedgehog spent half an hour drinking. She was one thirsty hedgehog! We took her to the vet and Bella has spent the past 24 hours talking about when Polly, or Holly is coming home.... lets hope she forgets about it sooner or later!


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