
Tuesday, March 03, 2009


Today is bittersweet for me, it is my first blog... and my daughters first day of school (well second by the time I actually post this!).

I have been meaning to set up my blo
g for some time, but am a great procrastinator, so have managed to put it off until now. Anyway - here goes!

Well, my gorgeous (eldest) daughter Isabella went off to school on her first day as brave as brave can be. No tears (although I had to quickly pull my sun glasses on as I left her classroom...) and a huge smile when I picked her up at 3pm. Long may it last. I hear the first week is ok, then they realise that this is a permanent fixture and suddenly not so much fun anymore! Photo of Isabella and Lucy attached. Look at Lucy, not a care in the world, whereas it’s Bella’s big day.


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