
Monday, October 31, 2011


My sewing table is piled high with a number of different projects at the moment. I have two markets this weekend and as usual have left a little too much to the last minute. Eeek!

Today I had a few hours to myself and managed to achieve A LOT. It always amazes me what you can get done with a couple of child-free hours! I finished off a few custom orders, packaged up some wholesale orders, made some new 'festive' lavender bags and bunting, and even got through a pile of owie bags! Tomorrow's list includes a pile of purses and cushion covers... watch this space...


Sunday, October 30, 2011

Butterscotch Meringues

A friend recently put me onto this perfect meringue recipe. It is super easy, and totally a hit with the little people in my house!

Butterscotch Meringues (Jo Seagar)

6 egg whites (room temperature)
2 cups caster sugar
1 teaspoon butterscotch or caramel essence (I used half vanilla and half caramel)
1 teaspoon malt vinegar
2 teaspoons cornflour

In a large metal, porcelain or glass (ie not plastic) bowl beat egg whites until soft peaks form. A hand-held electric beater is ideal for this job. Gradually, a teaspoon at a time, add the caster sugar. I emphasise, add the sugar slowly. The mixture should be getting glossy, thick and shiny with each addition and the whole sugar-adding process should take at least 10 minutes.

Beat in the essence, vinegar and cornflour. Spoon mixture out into little 'blobs' onto a baking paper-covered baking tray. Bake in a low 110-120 C oven (I actually did mine at about 90 - 100C) for approximately 45 minutes until dry and crisp. The meringues should just lift off the paper easily.

This also makes a fab pavlova recipe. Just make it into one large plate-size mound on the baking tray. Cooking time will be a little longer, but bake at the same temperature (110-120C) for about 1 1/2 hours.


Thursday, October 13, 2011


I can't believe the first week of the holidays are almost over. It has been a long year, and the girls and I are loving the lazy mornings and even the rainy days!

My 7 year old has been 'perfecting' her cat drawing skills! My 3 year old seeing how many different colours of playdough we can make in one day... and I have been trimming a huge batch of crayon rolls in preparation for the stack of markets that are coming up!

Hope your holidays are going well.
C x

Wednesday, October 05, 2011


This week has involved a lot of gift making... friends with new babies, a few birthdays, a gift for a little girl in hospital, and a couple of 'thank you's' sprinkled in for good measure.

I managed to make a few of the 'easier' ones yesterday, with some home baked chewy raisin cookies (recipe below), and a super-sized, plastic covered pencil case filled with crafty bits and pieces for a beautifully crafty little girl....


Chewy Raisin Cookies

Cream together:
300 grams butter
1 cup of sugar
2 tablespoon golden syrup

Mix together with creamed mixture:
2 cup flour
2 teaspoon baking powder
1 cup coconut
1 cup rolled oats
1 cup raisins

Roll into balls, flatten and bake in at 180C for around 10-15 minutes, or until golden. This batch will make more than enough to fill your biscuit tin, and share some with a friend.
