
Tuesday, May 26, 2009


I made a couple of skirts for the girls last week. And they HAD to be the same of course... I managed to snap a couple of pics of Lucy - she was so excited to have a skirt to wear like her big sister!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Hand drawn Birthday invites

Aren't these hand drawn invitations just gorgeous. Each invitation was hand drawn by Bryn, a talented calligrapher, based in Brooklyn, New York (which is why her invites are so cute), you can see her work on her site paperfinger.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Monday, May 11, 2009

Some cool things...

I just spotted these stamps for sale on the USPS site - aren't they gorgeous!And, how cool is this alphabet poster series available on Flickr from Paul Thurlby.

Friday, May 08, 2009

To busy to blog...

I just realised how long it has been since I have posted a blog! It has been a crazy couple of weeks!

We had the Devonport Craft market last weekend which was great fun. Awesome to see so many people out and about for the first market!

I also have a stack of Kids Owie Bags, Crayon Rolls and Journals being sold at a new shop in Lyttelton, called Pocket - if you are down that way pop in and have a look.

Well, not much time to write this morning, so thought I would just add a couple of pics of some of the items currently in my felt shop

Flower/Spot Crayon Roll

Wrist Key Rings

Felt Brooch

Fabric Fridge Magnets