
Saturday, April 18, 2009

Busy bee...

I was a busy busy bee yesterday... I made a stack of Kids Owie bags (rice cold/hot packs)... including these cute little buzzy bee ones...

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Heat Bags

I have been busily sewing a stack of kids heat bags tonight... here is a sneaky peak of the 'pink princess'... just listed in my felt shop.


Well I am back and rested (?) after an extended Easter weekend in Whangamata. We had a lovely time catching up with friends and playing at the beach... as always ended up eating too much chocolate and drinking too much wine!

Bella and I were up early enough for the sunrise each morning! I even had enough time to make myself a coffee and wander down to the beach with Bella in tow in her pj's!

Lucy was in heaven waking up to find a BIG fat easter egg ALL for her!

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Where the wild things are...

I made these this morning out of a very old distressed, lonely version of Maurice Sendaks 'Where the Wild things Are'.

Aren't they gorgeous!

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Bits and bobs...

These are my latest repurposed envelopes. I have just popped them in my felt shop so have a peek. Made from the latest World Sweet World magazine...

On another note, I thought I would include a couple of pics of my 'home baking' for Bellas school fair. We had so much fun making and packaging these up for sale...

And I just had to include these pics taken today as I was sorting out my studio... a selection of fabrics and ribbon... don't you just love the colours!

Well, short and sweet tonight, am off to bed.


Sunday, April 05, 2009

Lazy Sunday

I just had to share my delicious new creation. We had some left over pizza dough so thought I would make some Grissini... having never made these before I was thrilled with the outcome! All were devoured by my hungry family in minutes!


Let me introduce my cats:

This is Cinnamon...

She is my house cat. She keeps me company in the studio. She loves eating. She is terribly lazy. She wont go outside unless she absolutely has to. She tolerates the kids. And she loves rats!

This is Kaos...

He is my protector. He loves the sun. He loves to sleep. He doesn't tolerate the kids. He is very grumpy. He also loves rats.

These are our cats looking like butter wouldn't melt...

And this is the rat Isabella found under our dining room table this morning...

...and made daddy ceremoniously bury in the garden!


I have to say, I hate rats. Especially dead ones under my dining table. I am now wondering if we have a nest somewhere, as that is number 2 in so many weeks... although number 1 was a quarter of the size!

I know you are wondering which of my lazy cats actually caught this rat? Well, Cinnamon has claimed ownership, she has been rubbing around me all day asking for praise for the glorious gift she bestowed upon us this morning, although I doubt she would have been able to get it through the cat door... my bets are on Kaos, but he is much brighter and has not been seen all day!

Lets hope tomorrow is free of glorious gifts!
